Friday, April 27, 2012

Sara’s updates – An unexpected emergency

The beautiful mother who is only a kitten herself and her only surviving baby.
“Shortly after we started the daily feeding walk, we found out that a dog had been badly hit by a car earlier in the day but was still alive. The person who informed us of the situation was sure that the dog had died by the time he spoke to us but Manuela and I decided to go to the location and see for ourselves.

On the way to the area, we walked by the territory of a beautiful kitten who we had not seen for a few days and decided to find out from the local man in the area whether or not they had seen her recently. The man informed us that she had been bit by a dog yesterday and given birth shortly after to 7 kittens and only 1 had survived.

The man had left the dead kittens next to the mother and the 1 surviving kitten was barely alive because the mother was not accepting her. She also had a deep infected wound from the dog bite on the inside of her leg.

We then had to convince the man to allow us to take the mother and her only kitten to the hospital. He did not even offer to drive us and we had to catch a bus to the hospital which is in another city. The first bus did not stop for us because the driver did not want any cats on his bus and on the second bus, everyone that was sitting near us changed seats so that they would be further away from the cats.

This was such an unexpected emergency and we spent over 7 hours trying to help this poor cat who would have had no chance if we did not stop by her territory at the perfect moment. :( It is really by chance which cat gets the opportunity to have a new life and which cat is stuck on the streets fighting for his or her life each day. If only the locals helped with the animals of their own country, more lives could be saved.

The mother receiving treatment at the hospital.
She had to be sedated in order for her wound to be properly cleaned and she will have to stay at the hospital for several days while she recovers. The veterinarian told us that if she was not brought in to the hospital, she would not have survived. He suspects that she gave birth prematurely due to the stress and shock of the dog bite because 1 of her kittens was not properly formed. The surviving kitten is extremely tiny and the next 48 hours of her life are critical for her survival.- Sara

Sara is volunteering in Avsallar to help Manuela for the next two weeks. Thank you Sara!

If you wish to give a cat or a dog a loving home, please contact us at:

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